Hart Dairy
What is Hart Dairy?
Hart Dairy has redefined the grass-fed dairy standard through its production of premium “Grass 365” dairy products, including fresh milk. Located near Augusta, Georgia, Hart Dairy sits on more than 4,000 acres of pristine farmland and is the largest single-source producer of 100% free-range, grass-fed milk in North America.
Grass fed milk has superior taste and nutrition properties to conventional milk. It is richer in Omega 3 fatty acids and CLA which are scientifically proven to reduce the risk of cancer, cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure. The milk naturally contains more vitamins A and D.
Their cows are pastured 365 days per year, grazing on cultivated oat grass. This leads to several properties in the milk that deliver superior nutrition and taste.
Fatty Acid (Omega 6 and 3) Profiles: Grass fed milk has over 60% more Omega 3 fatty acid and 25% less Omega 6 fatty acid than Conventional milk. A higher ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids correlates to a significantly lower risk of chronic diseases.
Vitamins and Minerals: Grass fed milk contains significantly higher levels of several minerals and vitamins important in human health such as, Iron, Vitamin E and Beta-carotene (an important antioxidant that converts to vitamin A and gives grass fed butter its yellow color).
Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Grass fed milk contains between 300 and 500% more CLA than Conventional milk (reference: CLAs are thought to have important human health benefits.)
Hart cows are never in confinement (unlike 99% of US dairy cows) given their year-round pasturing. As a result of their treatment of the animals, Hart is the only dairy farm in the US that is “Certified Humane®”. It is the most stringent animal welfare standard globally which is endorsed by more than 70 organizations worldwide.
“This significant influx of new capital is a clear validation of how we see free-range, grass-fed milk emerging in America,”